17 Dec 2022

What you need to do to be ready:
- Create an accound for the Schoolbytes Parent Portal & add app Login | Parent Portal (schoolbytes.education)
- Ensure the school has the best email address for you, so you don't miss emails from us.
- Download the NSW Education Parent App & add Sutherland Public School. NSW Education Parent App
As part of streamlining communications to parents and families we will be using the Schoolbytes Parent Portal in 2023.
This links with the system we will be using in 2023 for fee payments, attendance and many other domains across the school. This builds on what has been started this year with the online permission and payment systems.
We ask all parents to create an account to the Parent Portal by following the link Login | Parent Portal (schoolbytes.education) and selecting create a new account. Further instructions are attached.
Please do this before we return to school in January so that you are able to keep informed and complete payments and absence information easily.
Skoolbag will be decomissioned for 2023 and we will no longer be using it. You can now remove this app from your phone or remove Sutherland Public School from your list of schools.
Communication will come to you in the following ways:
- email directly to you
- information in the Schoolbytes Parent Portal
- Phone calls if required
- Text message alerts in an emergency
- Information posted directly to Sutherland Public School website Home - Sutherland Public School (nsw.gov.au) (Calendar and news items, general school information is on the site)
- NSW DoE Parent App NSW Education Parent App (Please add this app to your phone or device also)
- Facebook celebration of activities or events